Where Can I Purchase Beef Honeycomb Tripe?

Are you getting bored with regular beef meat cuts and want to try something new, like its organs? If yes, you are in the right place.

In this article, we will learn more about beef tripe and where you can buy this ingredient.

What is fresh beef tripe?

Rose Beef Tripe with Milk in a 1 Lb. Can., 2 (One Lb Cans)

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Beef tripe is the stomach of a cow.

In this case, the term "fresh" is used to refer to the raw and fresh stomach that is sold right after the cow is slaughtered.

It is meant to set it apart from the canned counterpart which consists of scalded beef tripe with whole milk.

The inside surface of the tripe looks like a honeycomb.

Beef tripe, at the natural state, will have a yellowish, brownish, or sometimes greenish color.

It has a tough and chewy texture that requires a long period of time cooking to tenderize the tripe.

How many calories are in fresh beef tripe?

Beef tripe is a great option for those who want to eat healthy without sacrificing flavors.

This offal is low in calories and fat but still loaded with many nutrients that are beneficial to our health.

Normally, five ounces (or 140 grams) of beef tripe will provide 131 calories.

Beef tripe is rich in B-vitamins, calcium, zinc, iron, phosphorus, and magnesium like other meat cuts from a cow.

The difference is it can keep your weight in line and is very affordable compared to a brisket or ribeye steak.

However, one minus thing about this beef organ is that it is high in cholesterol.

Therefore, people who are sensitive to high-cholesterol foods should consider adding beef tripe to their diets or need limit beef tripe consumption.

How to choose the best fresh beef tripe?

Cattle organs are often smuggled, therefore, we should keep our eyes on the selection process to make sure that the beef tripe is at its best quality.

Below are some tips to choose the best fresh beef tripe on the market:

1. Buy beef tripe from a reputable butcher

If you worry about the unclear origin of a vast majority of beef tripe on the market, then look for it in a reputable butcher.

As long as this place is trusted by almost all consumers and their products are believable, you can feel safe when purchasing beef tripe from them.

2. Avoid beef tripe that looks too white as it might be bleached

As already mentioned, beef tripe has a natural yellowish, brownish, or even greenish color.

Therefore, don't expect it to be completely white and clean when being sold on the market.

If so, your beef tripe might be bleached with chemicals to achieve an "eye-catching look", which turns out to be more harmful to our health.

You just need to check if there is any sign of spoiled beef tripe like discoloration, weird spots, or unpleasant odor before making the purchase.

3. Properly clean the beef trip before cooking

One of the factors that make many people hesitate to try beef tripe is its strong smell which requires a careful clean.

Even if you can buy the best beef tripe but without being properly cleaned, your dish with beef tripe will end up unattractive or even disgusting.

So make sure the beef trip is submerged in salted water for a while, boiled, and thoroughly rinsed before cooking.

Where to buy fresh beef tripe?

Beef tripe is more common in Asian cuisine.

However, you can still easily find this beef organ in the following places in the United States:

1. Local butcher or farmers' market

At a local butcher or farmers' market, everything from cattle will be sold freshly.

If they don't have any, you can even ask the butcher ahead to save the beef tripe for you the next time you visit their store.

The tip is looking for fresh beef tripe in an Asian market so the high chance is you can find this ingredient.

2. Grocery store or supermarket

You can also find fresh beef tripe sold in the meat store of a grocery store or supermarket across the country.

Not all grocery stores or supermarkets have this beef cut available all the time, so you can check their category and availability of their goods on the website (if they have) beforehand.


Beef tripe is a delicious ingredient with many culinary applications.

We hope you've learned something new from this article and are on your way to finding some tasty recipes that use beef tripe as the main dish or an important supporting ingredient.

Where will you opt for when it comes to buying the best beef tripe? From a local butcher, or ordering from Walmart?

Let us know in the comment below.

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Source: https://cookindocs.com/where-to-buy-fresh-beef-tripe/

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